Dannelse af biord fra tillægsord

Test din viden

I de fleste tilfælde dannes et biord ved at tilføje -ly til et tillægsord

Tillægsord Biord
cheap cheaply
quick quickly
slow slowly

Hvis tillægsordet ender på -y, erstat y med i og tilføj -ly

Tillægsord Biord
easy easily
angry angrily
happy happily
lucky luckily

Hvis tillægsordet ender på -able, -ible, eller -le, erstat -e med -y.

Tillægsord Biord
probable probably
terrible terribly
gentle gently

Hvis tillægsordet ender på -ic, tilføj -ally. Undtagelse: public -> publicly

Tillægsord Biord
basic basically
tragic tragically
economic economically

Nogle biord har den samme form som tillægsordet: early, fast, hard, high, late, near, straight, & wrong

  • It is a fast car.
  • He drives very fast.
  • This is a hard exercise.
  • He works hard.
  • We saw many high buildings.
  • The bird flew high in the sky.

Biordet well svarer til tillægsordet good.

  • He is a good student.
  • He studies well.
  • She is a good pianist.
  • She plays the piano well.
  • They are good swimmers.
  • They swim well.
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